Contributed by jrobinson Apr/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 519 times

An addendum to the MIA multipitch Ticklist. Some roadside, but most mountain/sea cliff.

Joe embarking on the monstrous final pitch of A Dream  © starlitejumper
Joe embarking on the monstrous final pitch of A Dream
© starlitejumper, May 2022

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 16% 3 May
2nd Sam Hawkins 11% 3 Jun, 2023
2nd Hidden 11% 10 Jul
3rd Hidden 9% 24 Jul
4th Joe-24 4% 9 Aug, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Night Shift

The Night Shift
© PontiusPirate

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Botterill's Slab
Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

Popular day at North Stack

A Dream of White Horses
Popular day at North Stack
© JohnHartley


A Dream of White Horses
© jas wood

Dave Nicol on Blanco. Steep rock, big holds and sunshine. What's not to like.

Dave Nicol on Blanco. Steep rock, big holds and sunshine. What's not to like.
© Brian Wilderspin

Enjoying the exposure on A Dream of White Horses

A Dream of White Horses
Enjoying the exposure on A Dream of White Horses
© alastairbegley

Living the Dream

A Dream of White Horses
Living the Dream
© BStar

Zoe too engrossed in the wildness to notice the huge god-beam that's temporarily put her in the spotlight

A Dream of White Horses
Zoe too engrossed in the wildness to notice the huge god-beam that's temporarily put her in the spotlight
© Mark Bullock

Armorican by moonlight

Armorican by moonlight
© CrawfMatt

Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab

Botterill's Slab
Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab
© JohnHartley

Job on the final pitch of Dream

A Dream of White Horses
Job on the final pitch of Dream
© Drew M

Keith on Armorican

Keith on Armorican
© allysingo

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
The Hyll Drem Girdle HVS 5a ** 547 ? • 4 Carreg Hyll-Drem
Belle Vue Bastion VS 4c ** 590 48m • 2 Tryfan
Obsession VS 4c ** 100 110m • 3 Cadair Idris -...
Gwydrin E1 5b ** 41 ? Cadair Idris -...
Creagh Dhu Wall Direct VS 5a *** 288 ? Craig y Castell...
Laxative HVS 4c * 3 50m • 2 The Pillar of Elidir
Armour VS 4c * 1 67m • 3 The Pillar of Elidir
Lightning Visit VS 4c ** 787 ? Carreg Alltrem
Lavaredo VS 5a *** 988 ? • 2 Carreg Alltrem
Fratricide Wall HVS 5a ** 331 ? Carreg Alltrem
Fallen Block Crack/Black Gates VS 4c ** 5 65m • 4 Clogwyn y Ddysgl
The Ring VS 4c * 12 ? Clogwyn y Ddysgl
Grey Arête HVS 5a *** 234 ? Glyder Fawr
East Wall Girdle VS 4c ** 180 ? Idwal Slabs (aka...
Javelin Buttress VS 4c ** 485 ? Idwal Slabs (aka...
Mean Feat HVS 5a ** 202 33m • 2 Craig y Clipiau...
Brys HVS 5a * 129 41m • 2 Craig y Clipiau...
Pinky VS 4c *** 584 ? Clogwyn yr Oen...
A Dream of White Horses HVS 4c *** 3068 ? • 4 Gogarth North Stack...
Bloody Chimney HVS 4c ** 132 55m • 3 Gogarth North Stack...
Big Gut HVS 4c ** 61 ? Gogarth North Stack...
Crossover HVS 4c * 6 45m • 3 Gogarth North Stack...
Small Gut HVS 5a 9 60m • 2 Gogarth North Stack...
Minute Man HVS 5a 13 50m • 2 Gogarth North Stack...
Galactic Co-ordinator HVS 5a *** 243 45m • 2 Triple Overhang...
Blanco HVS 5a ** 819 ? Gogarth South Stack
Longland's Climb VS 4c ** 362 126m • 5 Clogwyn Du'r...
Sheaf HVS 4c ** 145 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Great - Bow Combination HVS 5a *** 670 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Llithrig E1 5c *** 386 ? Clogwyn Du'r...
Curving Crack VS 4c ** 301 66m • 3 Clogwyn Du'r...
Stennis Arête VS 4c ** 461 70m • 2 Stennis Head
Razorbill VS 4c * 67 53m • 3 Mowing Word
Inner Space HVS 4c *** 290 45m • 2 Mother Carey's...
Armorican VS 4c *** 2040 36m Caerfai Bay
Silmaril Direct VS 4c * 121 45m • 2 St. David's...
Act of God VS 4c ** 185 33m • 2 St. David's...
Engineer's Slabs VS 4c *** 459 60m • 2 Gable Crag
Botterill's Slab VS 4c *** 794 87m • 3 Scafell Crag
The Gordian Knot VS 4c *** 930 ? White Ghyll
Haste Not VS 4c *** 867 ? White Ghyll
White Ghyll Wall VS 4c *** 761 68m White Ghyll
2 e, 88 stars 18,697 1,358m 82
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